Identifying barriers to accessing mental health and wellness services and supports for newcomers, and developing training support for mental health and wellness professionals
Collaboration: Global Village Centre is the community partner in this multi-year research project, funded by Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada, and led by Medicine Hat College.
Identify and decrease access barriers to mental health and wellness services for newcomers to the Brooks, Newell County, and Medicine Hat regions in southeast Alberta.
Develop the capacity to provide culturally appropriate service delivery in the mental health sector.
Develop curriculum and begin certified in-service and training to improve cultural competence of service providers.
The project explores barriers to accessing mental health and mental wellness services.
Services wil be explored in Brooks, Newell County, and the Medicine Hat region in southeast Alberta.
Recommendations will be made for reducing the barriers.
This research project has a broad-based advisory council representative of communities in southeast Alberta.
Annual mental health conference on topics related to culture and delivery of services for newcomers.
Culturally appropriate mental health specific curriculum for health professionals and service providers will be developed.
Conferences were held over the course of the research project, to increase awareness and exchange insight into barriers to accessing mental health and wellness support for newcomers
2022 Mental Health Week panel discussion
The day included speakers and panellists focusing on newcomer experiences and barriers to mental wellness.
Opening remarks
Welcome and Project
Panel A
Panel B
Presentations are the property of Global Village and Medicine Hat College and are not to be redistributed or copied.